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NVIDIA Tesla GPU Super Computer

Personal Super Computing with Graphics Processor Units (GPU’s)

Powered by the latest NVIDIA Tesla T20 (Fermi) GPU’s our Desktop & Rackmount Personal Super Computers (or PSC’s for short) are a unique custom built computing experience that can bring over 4,000x GPU processing cores directly to your finger tips for massive levels of computational power!.

Graphics processors (NVIDIA Tesla) scale very well into high performance computing environments. Offering substantial performance improvements (as much as 120x) with a increased performance/watt ratio and awesome return of investment (ROI).

Programmed using the NVIDIA® CUDA™ (Tesla ONLY), DirectX 11 Compute, or OpenCL GPU Computing programming languages we can offer an extensive selection of desktop and rackmount GPU computing experiences.

Now available with ONETWOFOUR or EIGHT NVIDIA Tesla (Fermi) High Performance GPUs.

Custom built to order and available with a variety of Processor (CPU), Memory, GPU & Storage options to suit all requirements (project or budget) we are proud to be a certified Personal Computer Specialist (NVIDIA Tesla).


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  2. Coupon only redeemable on quotable Workstation, Mobile Workstation and Servers listed on the Workstation Specialists website.
  3. Offer can be removed at any time but will stay applied to any valid quotation that has already had the promotion applied.
  4. The coupon cannot be applied to shipping fees or any other additional charges unless specifically stated.
  5. Only one coupon can be applied to each transaction.
  6. The discount code cannot be retrospectively applied to any order. It can only be used for future quotations.
  7. The coupon can be applied to multiple quotations/orders.
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